Though the product is easy to use, we made a quick video to ensure you get the best results. Continue reading for more tips & tricks.

The 3-in-1 Scalp Serum is for all hair types and textures concerned about scalp tension, dry scalp conditions or keeping their hair smelling fresh.

Please note, it's not recommended to use before working-out. This is to avoid mixing with sweat and potentially running in your eyes.


KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.  We are confident in the purity of the product but children may find the strong sensation upsetting.  Also, children are known get to anything, everywhere. And…our packaging is glass. Please keep away from tiny hands or zealous pre-teens that won’t wash their hands after use.

THE SAFETY OF THIS PRODUCT HAS NOT BEEN DETERMINED. We need to say this because the effect of orally ingested menthol on blood pressure has been studied in clinical trials with inconsistent results. You can look at this example.

Though we are required to have this warning on our product, using the 3-in-1 Scalp Serum as directed, is generally safe and effective. With that said, please talk to your doctor about any concerns if you have serious, high-risk blood pressure conditions.